Gastonia Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer

Gastonia Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney Serving North Carolina
Modern life can be financially complicated. Nearly everyone has some type of debt, whether it has to do with credit cards, a mortgage, or unexpected medical bills. Even if you are generally responsible with money, it is quite easy to find yourself owing an amount of debt that you cannot realistically pay off. You may find yourself drowning in bills and overdue notices or even being threatened with a lawsuit. If this sounds familiar, Chapter 7 bankruptcy can provide you with a fresh start, free from most or all of your debt.
Blossom Law PLLC has helped many wipe away their debts using Chapter 7, and we want to help you too. Our skilled bankruptcy attorney makes the process as quick and painless as possible. Getting out of debt may be easier than you think when you have us helping you. If you have debt that you cannot see a way out of, Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the best option for you to take control of your finances again.
Debts Our Gastonia Attorney Could Help You Discharge
Not every type of debt is dischargeable through Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but some of the most common types of debts people struggle with can be wiped away. Debts that we may be able to help you get rid of include:
- Credit card debt - Even if you reliably made the minimum monthly payment, the interest on your account can rapidly cause your debt to become unmanageable.
- Medical bills - Unavoidable medical expenses can be outrageous, far beyond what most people could ever afford.
- Personal loans - Interest rates on personal loans can be insanely high, trapping you in debt.
- Cosigned debts - People are sometimes pressured into guaranteeing another person's loan, only to end up liable for the debt.
These are just a few types of debt Blossom Law PLLC may be able to help you get out of very quickly. Unfortunately, student loans cannot be discharged - although this may change in the future.
Gaston County Lawyer Helping You Preserve Your Property Despite Bankruptcy
If the fear of having your assets liquidated is keeping you from taking advantage of Chapter 7, we have some good news. Quite a bit of your most important types of property are exempt from liquidation. You can usually keep your car and your home, as well as $5,000 or more worth of personal belongings, such as clothes or furniture. If you have a retirement account, it is likely safe as well.
Only your non-exempt assets - even if you have none - can be liquidated.
Legal Help With Chapter 7 Bankruptcy from Start to Finish
The benefits begin as soon as we file on your behalf. Attempts at collecting, including wage garnishment or seizing your property, stop completely until the bankruptcy process is complete. We will help you gather the documentation you need for the means test, like proof of your current income, expenses, and debts. You will have an attorney with you at the required meeting with your creditors.
Our firm offers quality representation and assistance at every stage in the process, from the day we file until the day you get your discharge order and start your new life after bankruptcy.
Call a Gastonia Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney
If you are considering Chapter 7 bankruptcy as a debt solution, Blossom Law PLLC would be happy to help. We have successfully gotten many others through the bankruptcy process. Our goal is to make this process as easy and stress-free as possible. Contact us online or call 704-256-7766 for a free consultation.